In this interview at UC Berkeley in 2012, Dr. Margaret Abraham discusses the intersections of research, teaching and community activism, particularly through the example of her own work on domestic violence within South Asian communities in the US. (Part of a series of interviews with 22 members of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). See: ISA website.
Margaret Abraham is a prolific conference presenter, panelist and speaker, and has
been interviewed extensively as a global, intersectional sociologist.
“There are many who are passionate about sociology and hope it will provide the frameworks and methodological skills that will help them in getting careers in academia, government, or non-profits, and more recently in the area of law and public policy. For me, sociology is a way of life that can help transform our institutions, shape social justice issues, and strengthen civil society.”
- Sociology in a Tumultuous World
Interviews | Margaret Abraham
“Documenting South Asian American Narratives from the Early Years of the AIDS Crisis in the United States -- into the present reality,” interviewed by South Asian Americans Digital Archives (SAADA) Archival Creators Fellow, Nikhil D. Patil for Oral History Project – Funded by the Andrew D. Mellon Foundation, April, 2021
“The Brilliance of BLM: An Interview with Dr. S.M. Rodriguez by Margaret Abraham,” Global Dialogue, GD11, February 21, 2021
“Intervyu s presidentom Mezhdunarodnoy sotsiologicheskoy assotsiatsii professorom Margaret Abraham,” interview with the President of ISA, Professor Margaret Abraham] (Russian). Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 2017
“Conversation: Margaret Abraham in conversations with Labinot Kunushevci,” Explorations, Indian Sociological Society, E-journal, 1(2). pp. 108-119. (Printed also as book), October, 2017
“Violence against Women as an Issue of Human Rights, Justice and Democracy – An Interview with Margaret Abraham,” interview with Brigitte Aulenbacher, Birgit Riegraf Feministische Studien, De Gruyter, 34(2), Published Online: 2016-12-03, November 2016
“Sociology in a Tumultuous world – An Interview with ISA President Margaret Abraham,” interview with Edmar M. Braga Filho, Leonel Salgueiro, & Raphael Lebigre, circuito academic, May 12, 2016
“Journeys through Sociology: Margaret Abraham,” video/interview with UC Berkeley Events, February 22, 2012
Conferences/Presentations/Panels/Talks | Margaret Abraham
“Vulnerabilities, Violence, and Social Justice in Pandemic Times,” The Philippine Sociological Society, International Conference on Sociology of Vulnerabilities and Resistance: New and Emerging Challenges on Lives, Communities, and Places, October 1-5
“Addressing Gender-based Violence and Domestic Violence During the Pandemic,” Feminist Health and Well-Being Research, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, special session sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society, August 11
“The Role of the State in the post-COVID 21st Century,” 15th International Karl Polanyi Conference. Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Concordia University, April 22-24
“Suicides, Inequalities, and the Search for Social Justice,” Fourth International Sociological Association Forum. RC32 Past-President’s special joint session: Global Inequalities of Gender, Race, Class, Intimate Citizenship, and Disability, February, 2021
Keynote Speaker: “Addressing Gender-based Violence: Vulnerabilities, Resilience and Social Justice," “Lecture Series by Renowned Sociologists and International Webinar,” hosted by Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India and in collaboration with Research Committee on Women, Gender, and Society (RC32), International Sociological Association, December 17, 2021
“Contextual Global Sociology: Suicides, Oppression and Social Justice,” Plenary Session Public Sociology and Social Justice Sociology, 114th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 10
Speaker, Plenary Panel: “People of Color Coping Survival/Thriving,” SWS Winter Meetings, Denver Colorado, February 8, 2019
“Moving Beyond Rhetoric: Social Justice in Academia,” Plenary Session Racism, Sexism, and Intersections of Inequality in Academia, 113th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August 11
Presidential Address: “Power, Violence and Justice,” XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, July 15
Speaker: "Linking Research and Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Perspective," University of North Carolina Asheville, March 1
“Strengthening Sociology’s Commitment to Social Justice,” Lithuanian Sociological Association - Annual National Conference, “(In)equalities, Power and Social Justice in Contemporary Society”. Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, November 17
“Making a Difference: Addressing Gendered and Intersectional Violence,” Pre-ALAS Conference, Los Cabos, Univerisidad de Tijuana, Cabos San Lucas. Mexico, October 26
“Sociology's Challenge: Unravelling a Post-truth World,” 13th European Sociological Association Congress: (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Panteion University for Social and Political Sciences, European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece, August 31
Presidential Plenary: “Violence Against Women and Global Inequalities,” 112 ASA Annual Meeting: Culture, Inequalities, and Social Inclusion Across the Globe, American Sociological Association, Montréal, Canada, August 13
Speaker: “The State and Problems of Modern Sociology,” Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, July 7
“Confronting Right-Wing Populism: The Role of Women’s Movements,” A Right-Wing Workers' Movement, DFG Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences ‘Post-Growth Societies’ and the Agency for Political Education of the State of Thuringia, Jena, Germany, June 22
“Contouring a Contextual Global Sociology,” Seminar, Charles University Faculty of Humanities, Department of Historical Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, and Czech Sociological Society, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, June 18
“Making a Difference: Linking Sociological Research and Action for Social Justice,” Department of Sociology at the University of Vienna, Austria, June 17
“Session on Paradoxes of Women's Human Rights in the Muslim World,” International. Discussant, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Hofstra University, June 3
“Contouring a Contextual Global Sociology and GMSSI,” Fourth ISA Conference of the Council of National Associations, International Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, International, May 5
“Committing Sociology’ After Trump’s Election,” Canadian Sociological Association 52nd Annual Conference, Canadian Sociological Association, Toronto, May 2
“Contouring a Contextual Global Sociology,” Keynote address via video, two decades discourse about globalizing social sciences – concepts, strategies, achievements, Iranian Sociological Society, Kharazami University, Teheran, Iran, April 25
“Sociology's Challenge: Unravelling a Post-truth World,” VII Catalan Sociological Congress: Post-truth and lack of critical thinking. A new reality of the XXI Century, Catalan Sociological Association, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, April 21
“Femicide and Culture,” (Keynote Speaker). COST Action-1206 on Femicide Across Europe -Final Conference, COST Action and University of Malta, University of Malta, March 15
Speaker: “Making a Difference: Linking Sociological Research and Action for Social Justice,” Bethlehem University Lecture, Palestinian Sociological Association and Bethlehem University, February 16
Speaker: “Making a Difference: Linking Sociological Research and Action for Social Justice,” Palestinian Sociological Association, Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine, February 14
Speaker: “Making a Difference: Linking Sociological Research and Action for Social Justice,” Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan, February 11, 2017
Speaker: “Making a Difference: Connecting Research, Teaching and Practice in Building Tolerant and Inclusive Societies,” Distinguished Lecture: College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zayed University, Dubai, February 9
Speaker: “Sociology Matters: Addressing Violence through Research and Activism,” University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, December 16
“Sociology, Social Inequality and Social Justice,” V All-Russian Sociological Congress: Social Inequality and Social Justice, Ekaterinburg, Russia, Russian Sociological Society, Ekaterinburg, Russia, Invited lecture, October 19
Speaker: “Inclusion and Exclusion: Addressing Gendered and Intersectional Violence,” Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, October 18
Opening Address: “Solidarity in Times of Distrust,” XVI Polish Sociological Congress, Polish Sociological Association, Gdańsk, Poland, September 15
“Movements Matter: Connecting the Local and Global in Addressing Violence Against Women,” 111th annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Special Session, Seattle, August 22
Opening Address: “The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World”. Third ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria, July 10-14
Plenary Speaker: Association of Sociology (AAS), and Pre ALAS 2017 Conference on Social Sciences Today: Perspectives, Debates and Research Agendas, Villa Maria, Argentina, June 6
Keynote Speaker: “Making a Difference: Addressing Gendered and Intersectional Violence,” First International CIEG (Interdisciplinary Centre on Gender Studies) Congress, Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives. University of Lisbon’s Institute of Social and Political Sciences; Gender Studies Research Centre, May 25-26
Speaker: “Sociology Matters: Addressing Violence through Research and Activism,” Fourteenth ISA International Laboratory for PhD Students in Sociology organized jointly by the ISA and the British Sociological Association, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, April 1-8
Keynote Speaker: “Migration, Heimat and Homelands: Citizenship and Belonging,” International Seminar on Migration, Heimat and Homeland, University of Hyderabad, February 2016
Speaker: “Global Sociology and Local Contexts: Toward Grounded Intersectional Perspectives,” Pueblos en Movimiento: Un Nuevo Diálogo en las Ciencias Sociales XXX Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología. Costa Rica, November 30
“Vulnerability to Violence,” White House Council on Women and Girls and the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest University. The White House, Washington D.C., November 13
Speaker: “Why Diversity Matters: Transforming Place and Belonging,” University of Michigan, Flint, September 18
“Sociology in Transnational Dialogues, Strenghtening Sociology’s Commitment to Addressing Gendered Intersectional Violence,” XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia. Brasilian Sociological Society, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 21
“Sociology Matters: Addressing Violence Through Research and Activism,” Contours of Violence. 22 Annual SASA Congress at the University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg, South Africa, June 28
Semi-Plenary Speaker: “Progression and Regression: (Re)shaping the State’s Response to Violence Against Women (Violence Against South Asian Women), “UNESCO Chair in Gender Research, Lancaster University, Security Lancaster, and Department of Sociology. UK, April 17
“Progression and Regression: (Re)shaping the State’s Response to Violence Against Women (Violence Against South Asian Women),” British Sociological Association Annual Conference. Saltire Centre, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, April 16
“Sociology Matters: Sociology’s Commitment to Social Justice,” Indian Sociological Society, Varanasi, India, December 1
“Sociology Matters: Strengthening Sociological Connections and Collaborations in Contouring a More Just World,” Japanese Sociological Society. Kobe University. Kobe, Japan, November 22
Convocation Speaker: “Transforming Education into International Experience,” Southern Utah University, October 12-15
“Addressing Domestic Violence in Canada and the United States: The Uneasy Co-Habitation of Women and the State,” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Pacifico Conference Center, Yokohama, Japan, July
Plenary Speaker: “Dialogue with Global Sociologists,” Sociological Pre-World Congress 2014 Workshop. Yokohama, Japan, July 2013
Keynote Speaker: “Making A Different: Linking Research and Action in Anti-Domestic Violence Community Work,” Praxis International Advocacy Center, July 16
“Public Sociological Frames on the Occupy Movement in the United States,” National Association Meetings of the International Sociological Association,
Middle East Technical University Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey, AprilPlenary Speaker: “Connecting Circles of Knowledge,” Sociologists for Women in Society, Winter Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, February 7-10
“South Asian Immigrant Struggles for Social Justice: The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Transnational Anti-Domestic Violence at Work for Social Change,” Bangladesh Sociological Association Regional Conference, December 21-22
“Domestic Violence in South Asian Communities in the US,” Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, April 18
“Muslims in Motion: Islam and National Identity by Nazil Kibria-Author-Meets-Critics,” Annual Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Association, NY, NY, February 23-26
“Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk?: Linking Research and Action in Ending Domestic Violence,” Sociology Symposium: “Paradox of Social Justice”. Department of Psychology and Sociology, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, February 9
“Building Effective Global Partnerships,” Sociologists for Women in Society, Winter Meeting, Workshop Panelist, Tampa, Florida, January 24
Keynote Speaker: “Addressing Domestic Violence,” Annual Banquet and Fundraiser, Chetna: Domestic Violence Organization, Richardson, TX, November 11
Panelist: “Building Effective Global Partnerships,” Sociologists for Women in Society, January 24
Speaker: “Women, Work and Citizenship," Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, India, January
Keynote Address: “Challenges in theoretical & methodological considerations,” Indian Sociological Society, Seminar. University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India, December 27
“Refocusing the Gender and Migration Lens: Cyber Migrant Labor, Customer Care and the Call Centre in India,” Inclusions, exclusions, seclusions: Living in a globalized world, Women’s Worlds Congress, Ottawa, Canada, July
“Re (thinking) Intersectionality: Globalization of Service work and Cyber Migrant Labor,” Intersectionalities and Complex Inequalities, Annual Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Association, Philadelphia, February
“Which intersections? What effects?: Domestic Violence and the South Asian Diaspora in the US,” Intersectionalities and Complex Inequalities, Annual Meetings of Eastern Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, February
“Cyber Migrant Labor: Women and Call Centre Work in the Global Economy,” XVII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, RC31 Transnational Migration and Identity, RC31 XVII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 14
“From Addressing ‘Personal Problems’ to Claiming Human Rights: Reflections on Anti-Domestic Violence Activism,” XVII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 13
Speaker: “Addressing Aging and Your Culture,” Seminar, Project Independence, Town of North Hempstead Department of Services for the Aging, March 23
Guest Speaker: “Addressing Domestic Violence in South Asian Communities in the US,” Helen Ralston Annual Memorial Lecture. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, February 3
Speaker: “South Asian Women RISE UP Against Violence,” Sponsored by Manavi and Violence Against Women Grant Office, September 19
“From NIMBYISM to YIMBYISM: Effective Strategies for Establishing Immigrant Service Facilities,” 104th Annual Conference, American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August
“Court Services and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons Seeking Protection Orders,” 104th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 9
Guest Speaker: “Domestic Violence. Domestic Harmony Foundation,” Long Island, April
Guest Speaker: “Shakti: The Power in Empowerment,” Conference, Arizona South Asians for Safe Families, Tempe, Arizona, April
Committee Co-Chair: “Sakhi for South Asian Women, 20th Anniversary Gala,” NY, NY (raised over $150,000), 2009
“Exploring Connections: Asia and Asian America,” 38th Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies. Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies, Rutgers University, October 26
“Pitfalls and Possibilities of Action Research in Addressing Domestic Violence,” First ISA World Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8
Whose Backyard? Boundary Making in Opposition to Immigrant Services,” 103rd Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association. Boston, August
“Globalization and Cyber Migrant Labor: Women and Work in the Indian Call Center Industry,” Mundos de Mujeres/Women’s Worlds 2008-10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women Madrid, Spain, July 3-9
Speaker for the Opening Session: “Stepping Stones: Tracing South Asian Women’s Organizations that Address Domestic Violence in the United States,” Capacity Building Institute. Sponsored by Manavi, NJ and funded by the Violence Against Women Grant’s Office, September 21
Speaker: “Why Diversity Matters: Challenges and Lessons Learned,” Nassau Bar Association, Long Island, NY, January 15
Guest Speaker/Opening Session: “Movement Building: History of South Asian Organizations,” AAROHAN, New Jersey, 2008
“In Dialogue: Toward Bridging Research and Action in Addressing Domestic Violence for South Asian Communities in the United States,” Rutgers Annual Conference on South Asia, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, November 10
“Globalization, Women and Work in the Call Centre Industry,” ISA-RC 32 Interim Conference: Women and Citizenship in a Local /Global World. Sponsored by National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) and ISA/RC32, Athens, Greece, May 31-June 1
“Doing Public Sociology: Bringing the Margins to the Center,” presented with Bandana Purkayatha, XVI World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South Africa,
July 28Speaker: “Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Domestic Violence and the Indian Diaspora in the United States,” Department of Sociology and the Centre for the Study of Indian Diaspora, University of Hyderabad, India, April 10
Panelist: “South Asian Forum on Sexual Health,” APICHA. NY, NY, April 26
“Marriage, Migration, and Marital Violence Among Indian Diaspora in the US,” Metropolis Conference, Toronto Canada, October 17
Keynote Speaker: “Motivating Change,” Indus Women Leaders Conference. Chicago, September 16
“Service on the Line: Youth Jobs and Indian Call Centers,” Youth Employment in the Global Economy: An International Interdisciplinary Conference. Hofstra University, September 15)
Panelist: “Twenty Years of South Asian Women’s Organizations: Looking Back, Looking Forward,” Aarohan Conference, Manavi, New Jersey, September 9
“Service on the Line: Indian Telephone Call Centers and Customer Care,” ASA Asia Section Round Table. 100th Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August 14
Speaker: “The Power to Influence,” Indus Women Leaders Annual Conference. Boston, October 23
“Business Process Outsourcing: The U.S. and India in the New Global Market,” Presented with S. Manning) 99th Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August
“Domestic Violence Among Asian Immigrant Women,” Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, Washington D.C., July 20
“Redefining Self, Community, and Culture Among South Asian Immigrants in the U.S: Panel on Self, Culture and Narratives,” Conference on Immigration Psychology: Rethinking Race, Class and Gender, University of Michigan University, Ann Arbor, April 12
Panelist: “Aarohan Conference,” Manavi, New Jersey, August 22
Keynote Speaker: “Celebrating Women of Color,” University of Connecticut, April 2003
Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable: Bridging Research and Activism in Addressing Domestic Violence,” Multicultural Center, University of California at Santa Barbara, February 11
Panelist: “Domestic Violence,” Solidarity Conference: Addressing Socio-Economic Disparities in South Asian America, Yale University, February 9
“Domestic Violence” Solidarity: Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities in South Asian America,” South Asian Conference Council of Yale College, Yale University, February 9
Panelist: “Social Services and Quality of Life. Post 9/11-Freedom Under Attack: Threats to a Multicultural Society,” Asian American Leadership Summit 2003, Cosponsored by Asian Americans for Equality, NY, NY, January 23
“Domestic Violence and South Asian Ethnic Identity Construction in the United States: Post Sept. 11,” XV World Congress of Sociology (RC32), Brisbane, Australia, July 10
Speaker: “Domestic Violence as a Health Issue,” 20th Annual Convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Chicago, Illinois, June 27
Speaker at Women’s Forum: “Domestic Violence and the South Asian Community,” 20th Annual Convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. Chicago, Il, June 27
“Gendering and Politicizing Violence: Domestic Violence in South Asian Communities in the U.S after September 11,” Thematic session, 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, March 8
Keynote Speaker: “More Reflections on Domestic Violence…the multicultural perspective,” Family Violence Coordinating Council Symposium, sponsored
by the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Second Municipal District, and Oakton Community College Chicago, Illinois, October 29Keynote Speaker. “Asians Against Domestic Violence,” Sponsored by Asians Against Domestic Violence Inc. & Asian American Studies Program, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, October 4
Speaker: “Domestic Violence & the South Asian community,” Women’s Health Seminar. Cosponsored by Apna Ghar Inc. and Indian Medical Association,
September 9Speaker: “The Many Faces of Domestic Violence,” Sponsored by the Nassau Academy of Law, Nassau County, June 26
“The Courts’ Response to Violence Against Women: Progress and Future,” Fifteenth Anniversary Conference: New York State Judicial Committee on Women
in the Courts. NY, NY, April 4“Intersections and Divergences Addressing Domestic Violence in the South Asian Community,” Asian American Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada. March 28-April 1
Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable,” sponsored by the Department of Sociology Nassau Community College, April 3
Speaker: “Violence Against Immigrant Women,” International Women’s Day Conference, sponsored by Labor Studies and Women’s Studies, Hofstra University, March 8
Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable,” cosponsored by the Department of Sociology and the South Asian Center. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, November 9
Speaker: “Criminal Injustice? A Critical Review of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,” The Committee on Civil Rights and the Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law, The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, NY, October 17
Keynote Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable,” Conference on Relationships and Communities: The Law That Bind Us. Sponsored by Saheli (a South Asian organization against domestic violence), Austin, Texas, September 16
Speaker: “In a Foreign Country and Behind Closed Doors,” Sponsored by the Department of Asian Studies, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 2000
Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable,” Safe Place. Austin, Texas, September 15
Speaker: “Speaking the Unspeakable,” Sponsored by Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Hofstra University, New York, May 1-4
“Addressing Violence Against Women,” International Women’s Conference. New Delhi, India, February 27-March 2
Panelist: “National Advisory Research Consortium (NRAC) Asian and Pacific Islander American Communities,” San Francisco, CA, 2000
Speaker: “South Asian Community Activism: Organizational Strategies, Struggles and Successes,” University of Connecticut, West Hartford, November 16
Speaker: “Domestic Violence in Different Cultures and its Impact on Immigration, Matrimonial, Criminal and Family Law Issues,” Supreme Court, Mineola, NY, sponsored by the Nassau County Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts, October 1
“The Politics of Research,” The Next Millennium Conference: Ending Domestic Violence, sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services, Washington D.C,, August 29-September 1
Speaker: “Myths and Realities: The Many Faces of South Asian Immigrant Youth,” Sponsored by St. John’s University, New York, April 17
Speaker: “The Global Advancement of Women’s Rights,” Hofstra University, New York, March 12
“The ‘Controlling’ image of the ‘Model Minority’: Ethnicity, race, class, and gender implications,” 93rd Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 21-25
“Immigration Policies and Practices in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Class Implications,” 14th World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, July 26-August 1
Speaker: “Domestic Violence in the Asian Community: Organizing and Mobilizing Across Communities,” Sponsored New York University, The New York Asian Women’s Center, Sakhi, for South Asian Women, and New York University Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, January 20
Speaker: “Conference on Domestic Violence among South Asian, East Asian and Arab Immigrant Women: Challenges and Solutions,” Columbia University Social Intervention Group and Institute for Research on Women and Gender, NY, NY, October 17
“Mobilizing the Community to Respond to Violence Against Women,” Domestic Violence Among South Asian, East Asian and Arab Immigrant Women: Challenges and Solutions, Columbia University, NY, NY, October 17
“Domestic Violence in the South Asian Community,” South Asian Women’s Conference, Los Angeles, CA, September 21
“Cultural and Structural Factors in Marital Violence Among South Asians in the United States,” World Congress on Violence and Human Coexistence, University College, Dublin, Ireland, August
“Transnational Marriages and Marital Violence Among South Asians in the United States,” Refereed Roundtable at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada, August
“Marital Violence and Alienation among South Asian Immigrant Women,” International Sociology Conference on Alienation and Families. Tampere, Finland, May
“Women Under Siege,” Women Speak: Human Rights; Southern Women’s Perspective Symposium, New York University, New York, April 26-27
“Families and Law: Changing Values, Rights and Obligations,” American Bar Association Commission on College and University Legal Studies Conference, Colorado, April
Speaker: “Enduring Question Series,” Hofstra University, New York, Spring 1996
“Community Empowerment and South Asian Women's Organizations,” 90th Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington D.C., August
Speaker: “Moving Beyond a ‘Private Problem’: Addressing Marital Violence Among South Asians in the United States,” sponsored by Service and Education for Women Against Abuse, Philadelphia, July 29
“Examining the Role of Community Based Women's Organizations in Addressing the Problem of Marital Violence Among South Asians in the United States,” National Women's Studies Association's 16th Annual Conference, June
Speaker: “Signs and Portents: New Paradigms for Transcultural Literacy and Social Policy in 21st Century America,” Asian/American Center, Queens College, CUNY, New York, May 12
Speaker: “South Asian Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence,” The Columbia University School of Social Work, NY, NY, April 10
Speaker: “Domestic Violence in the South Asian Community,” Cornell University. Ithaca, NY, March
“Addressing the Problem of Violence Against Ethnic Minority Women: A Sociological Study of the Role of Community Organizations as Agents of Change,” XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, July
Speaker: “The Role of Women's Organizations in Addressing the Problem of the International Sale of Brides: The Case of Amina,” Of Human Bondage:
The International Traffic in Bodies, Babies and Bride Conference, Women's Studies Program, Hofstra University, 1994
“The Intersectionality of Gender and Ethnicity as a Sociological Framework for the Analysis of Domestic Violence,” Rockefeller Symposium, Rockefeller Foundation, NY, June
“Organizational Strategies for Social Change: Addressing the Problem of Marital Violence Among South Asians in the US,” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, March
“Marital Violence among South Asians in the US,” Tenth Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, Ithaca, New York, June
Speaker: “Marital Violence within the South Asian Community: Addressing the Problem Developing the Strategies in the US,” Hunter College, CUNY,
NY, NY, AprilSpeaker: “Domestic Violence in the South Asian Community,” sponsored by Service and Education for Women Against Abuse, Philadelphia, March 1993
Session Chair: “Race, Ethnicity and Suburban Politics,” Contested Terrain: Power, Politics, and Participation in Suburbia Conference, Hofstra University,
NY, NY, MarchSpeaker: “Racism Within and Towards the Community,” Conference on South Asian Immigrant Women, Sakhi for South Asian Women and Manavi at Columbia University. NY, NY, 1993
Session Chair: “International Perspectives on Communication, Language and Gender,” 15th Annual Conference for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Hofstra University. NY, NY, October
Panelist: “Race Relations Open Forum,” Hofstra University, NY, NY, April
Speaker: “The Indian Jewish Experience,” Long Island Zionist Association, Long Island, NY, February
Panelist: “Confronting Prejudice on Campus. B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation,” Hofstra University, NY, NY, 1992
Speaker: “The Jews of India,” International Scene, Hofstra University, NY, NY, November
Speaker: “Is There Racism at Hofstra,” Hofstra University, NY, NY, November
Speaker: “A Look Behind the Masks of Racism,” Hofstra University, NY, NY, November
Panelist: “What Can You Do About Discrimination?” Hofstra University, NY, NY, September
“Marginality and Disintegration of Community Identity Among the Jews of India,” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, New Orleans, November
“Attitudes Toward Abortion and the Funding of Abortion,” annual meeting of the New York State Sociological Association, Syracuse, October
“Current Abortion Attitudes Among College Students Following the 1989 Supreme Court Decision,” American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August
“Inclusion and Exclusion: A Study of an Indian Jewish Community,” Society for Applied Sociology Conference, Chicago, August 1988
“Social Background, Personal Conservatism and Attitude Toward Communism,” Eastern Sociological Society Conference, Boston, May 1987